Saint Patrick’s Day workshop – glimpses of Ireland

data: 10/03/2010 || autor: DG


Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible
Charles Haughey

We would like to invite students of our school (preferably of pre-intermediate level and higher) to Saint Patrick’s Day workshop that will be held on 20th March (Saturday) from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.
During the workshop you will be introduced with Irish culture: its cuisine, traditional dancing and Irish language. Come and find out why “every Irishman has a potato in his head”, what is Blarney Stone and why you need to kiss it? Enjoy the movies, quizzes about Ireland and Irish music. Great fun guaranteed!!! You can enroll in till 17th March. For further information please contact teachers of English: Joanna Berszakiewicz, Karolina Horak, Agnieszka Niebudek-Zmuda.
Best regards
Your teachers of English




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